The Future of Business
The most fundamental way to contribute to ethical internal business practices is by writing and enforcing a well-formulated code of ethics for the company. When unethical business practices are exposed, rarely is it unbeknownst to the CEO (Henning). Things like a supportive work environment, fair pay, and positive impact can all be established from a high-level managerial position. Having a supportive work environment is one of the most important contributors to employee satisfaction (Todd). Of course, racism, sexism, sexual assault, and unequal treatment are unacceptable in any work environment. However, even well intentioned individuals can make statements that make others uncomfortable (Elington). It's important that employees feel free to come forward and that HR is required to receive all reports of misconduct. A supportive work environment also means hiring people to work on things they're passionate about, and then letting them work on those things. Passionate employe...