Understanding our Impact
Last January, Netflix released the series Tidying Up With Marie Kondo , a reality show in which the host, Ms. Kondo, visits American households and advises the residents on de-cluttering. The show loosely follows the format of Kondo's book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up. The show is generally well received and her book is a best-seller in Europe and Japan. Kondo's book is not about minimalism, and she states in her book that minimalism is not her goal, but the themes are similar. Though some readers have interpreted her writing as in favor of minimal ownership, I argue that her goal is not to help the reader own as little as possible, but to introduce the reader to some specific elements of eastern philosophy (Martin). In particular, the success of Kondo's media has, under the lens of consumerism, introduced some select Shinto and Buddhist practices to the western mainstream, such as animism, meditation, and mindfulness. Animism is the belief that objects have ...